
My name is Giacomo Salici, I'm a developer and engineer based in Italy. Currently, I'm getting a Computer and AI Engineering master degree at UNIMORE.

Check out my projects

Current projects.

Human-Robot Interaction

Researching for my Master's thesis on the importance of gaze cues and pose estimation in interactions with robots.

Formula Student

Member of the university's driverless team, responsible for global trajectory optimization and feed-forward car control.

Featured projects.

The marks the best projects while the trending ones have the icon.

~ Multimodal Learning

Multimodal data integration for OVCA survival prediction.

~ Computer Vision

Computer Vision pipeline for gaze analysis and emotion detection.

~ Internet of Things

An IoT project aimed to enhance bus stops.

~ Blockchain

My B.Sc. dissertion is about blockchain integration in management software.

~ API Development

A command-line interface to manage Notion databases.

~ Web Development

A web app to manage your favorite RPG hero inventory.

~ Web Development

A custom client for displaying my weather station data.

~ Web Development

A simple API and a npm for querying emoji.

~ Web Development

A minimalistic theme for Hugo framework.

~ Game Development

An Android 2d game starring a llama that jumps and shots.

~ 3d Design

A 3d printed mod for my Ikea Table.

Last thoughts.

I rebuild this website too often.

Contact me.

You can reach me saying
hey AT jacksalici DOT com.

You can also find me almost everywhere with the username @jacksalici.